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Create Token

To integrate Authorization using a Bearer token for API authentication, you can generate a token using the Create Token API.

API Endpoint


Request Headers

AuthorizationBasic client-id:client-secretAuthorization credentials, where client-id and client-secret are provided.
Content-Typeapplication/jsonIndicates that the body of the request is in JSON format.

Request Body

NameTypeRequiredSample ValueDescription
grant_typeStringYesclient_credentialsSet to client_credentials for this API.
valid_hourIntegerNo24Token validity in hours. Default: 24 (1 day). Maximum: 168 (1 week).

Example Request (cURL)

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic client-id:client-secret' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "grant_type": "client_credentials", "valid_hour": 24 }'

Response Body

NameTypeSample ValueDescription
access_tokenStringabc.....123The token to be used for subsequent API calls.
valid_tillDatetime2024-11-12 10:00:00The expiration datetime of the token, in UTC format.

Example Response

"access_token": "abc.....123",
"valid_till": "2024-11-12 10:00:00"

Usage in API Calls

Include the generated access_token as a Bearer token in the Authorization header for all subsequent API requests.

Example API Call with Bearer Token

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer abc.....123' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


  • Ensure client-id and client-secret are securely stored and not exposed.
  • Use the access_token within its validity period as indicated by valid_till.
  • If the token expires, generate a new one by calling the same API.